Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What you guys need to know about FIESTA?

Here is where we will answer your questions
(not all but at least better than nothing right? XD)

What is the theme of this event?
Fiesta of Colours

How many booths are there?
30 booths only(First come first serve basis)

Where and how do I get a booth for your club?
If your club is planning to sell things, please contact the following committees below. However, each booth costs RM50.

What kind of booth can a club open?
- Sell badges, t-shirts, clips, anything except food and beverages is forbidden
- Games(No water games, flour and items that can dirty the hall)

Is there any rules of setting up and decorating our booth?
Yes, you must only use recyclable and environmental friendly materials. And if your club might walk away with the Best Decorated Booth title and RM100.

Is there anything else other than booth sellings during the Fiesta?
Yes, there will be an open mic ceremony for Leos who are interested in singing,dancing, stand up comedian and so forth. Moreover, there will be special project for Leos & of course, LEO IDOL SEASON 3 GRAND FINALE ROUND 1!!

Who should I contact to?
Any of the 3 following committees:
Leo Jack Ng(Leo Club of Petaling Jaya integrity) – 0126133723
Leo Destinee Koh(Leo Club of Taman SEA) – 0176706002
Leo Lum Pui Cheng(Leo Club of Damansara Jaya) – 00123850755